
via google maps

If anyone has info please email me at [email protected] and I’ll put you in touch with OP.

“Dear PoPville,

On Sunday morning (4/23) at around 10:30am, my boyfriend was riding his blue scooter/moped at Florida NW/S St NW/Connecticut Ave NW when a car blew through the intersection, hit the scooter in the back, sending him rolling off the moped. The car didn’t slow down and accelerated away. Read More

Ed. Note: Any tips/sightings can be sent to [email protected]

“Dear PoPville,

I was wondering if I can get a little help with my attempt to get my scooter back. It was stolen out of my garage in Ivy City yesterday and I’m devastated.

A little back story: when the pandemic first hit I was working at NBC4. I was living in NoMa with roommates but decided to stay with my partner and her family in McLean since she drove and the metro wasn’t running. I also worked the overnight shift so the metro wouldn’t have been any use to me anyway. Anyway after the first case of Covid at my job, my partners family freaked out (for good reason) and I got the boot back to NoMa. For months I biked in the sweltering summer heat from NoMa all the way to the tv station in Tenleytown. I’d bike in the rain, at midnight, during the curfew due to the George Floyd protests. As the summer months tapered off and things cooled down I grew to enjoy that peaceful bike ride but i still was fearful that one late night someone knucklehead would try to knock me off my bike. One night after a long shift my mom drove from Baltimore to surprise me with a motorcycle helmet for my new scooter that would soon ease my fears biking home alone at night and my tired body from biking up Woodley Rd in the summer heat. I loved that scooter. It gave me freedom and safety in a time when my world was very scary. My mom who doesn’t have a lot of money bought me that scooter. She worked hard for it. I worked hard to maintain it. Read More

Thanks to R for sending from: “Hayes NE, right around Kenilworth Gardens. They were all in a neat row, so I have to assume they were placed there.”

Update: “Statement from Robert Gardner, Senior Government Relations Director at Lime:

“Please rest assured our operations team is working on resolving this issue immediately. Parking in bike lanes is completely prohibited under our user agreement and we will work to find out what went wrong here. We take numerous steps to prevent improper parking and promote safe riding and we will continue to improve our systems here in DC to prevent unfortunate instances like this one in the future.”

DC Plate

Martin writes: “Connecticut & R. Legitimately blocking a lane with zero you-know-whats to give.”


From DDOT:

“Today, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) announced plans to continue the demonstration pilot for motor-driven cycles, also known as mopeds, through December 31, 2021, as part of the District’s continued commitment to foster new shared mobility options.

Companies that want to participate in the pilot must meet the terms and conditions of a new Public Right of Way Occupancy Permit (PROWOP). The terms require moped riders to follow current laws related to the operation of mopeds such as wearing a helmet, possessing a valid driver license, and never riding on sidewalks and bike lanes. All companies applying to participate in the pilot will be allowed to operate up to 800 vehicles during the demonstration period. Read More


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