
photo by Mr.TinMD

“Dear PoPville,

Can you please send the word out asking if any restaurant is still serving potato skins? They’re my favorite and besides the random TGIF I haven’t seen any on any menus. Also my second favorite is nachos- beef, black beans and ALL the other good stuff that evenly spread on each chip. Can you help me out??”


photo by Mr.TinMD

“Dear PoPville,

my friends and I are looking to do an all day tour to find the “best croissant” in the DC area. If anyone has suggestions on where we cannot miss on our DC croissant tour please let us know!”


“Even though coffee snobs may balk at this question, where can I find the best local (aka not Starbucks) blended coffee drinks in DC? Read More


photo by Jennifer

“Dear PoPville,

Reaching out to get DC’s thoughts on great restaurants that offer wine flights. We love to try wine, but it’s hard to find a highly rated restaurant that offers flights. The three we have visited are Barcelona (Cathedral Heights), Etabli, and Supra. All are awesome. Thoughts on any others like these? Can you help us?”


photo by Mr.TinMD

“Dear PoPville,

Looking for your favorite carrot cakes in the DC area? Personally, I’m partial to the Parkway Deli’s carrot cake, but as this is for my grandmother’s 87th birthday party next weekend I want to explore the full array of available options to make sure I chose something especially delicious. Thanks for your help!”


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