

Yesterday morning we woke up to the happy news that the Bill Cosby mural had finally been removed from the Ben’s Chili Bowl mural on U Street. Alas the sad news was that President Obama, Chuck Brown and Donnie Simpson went down too. And this morning the wall quickly went from white to worse:

bens graffiti
Photo by Owen Comstock

So a replacement is needed post haste! We mentioned yesterday that Ben’s was taking a poll to see who the replacements will be this year. There were 56 options, with some uh interesting choices, with many very good ones. Another option was to write-in your choice. Yesterday DC Fireman commented that Lt. Kevin McRae would be an excellent selection to honor his memory. Lt. McRae perished fighting a fire in Shaw in 2015. This movement to vote Lt. McRae is starting to gain steam and I wholeheartedly endorse it. So if you are going to vote – please do include Lt. McRae of blessed memory. Thank you.



A reader reports:

“Huge flames at Georgia and Fairmont St, NW. There about 9 trucks and about three ambulances that just arrived.”

Update AlertDC reports:

“Street Closure / Fire: 2719 Georgia Avenue NW The road is closed in the 2500-2900 block of Georgia Avenue NW. Please use alternate route.”



A reader reports:

“I was by the food trucks at GW (22 and H) and there was a loud boom – I think a fuel tank exploded. The truck caught fire and there were massive flames. The street was filled with people and I hope no one was hurt.”

Another reader reports at 2:05pm:

“Pictures taken from my desk. Lots of sirens. Not sure what is on fire but it’s right in the middle of GW campus.”

DC Fire and EMS reported:

“Food Truck fire -21st and H Streets, NW At least 3 burned patients will be transposed from the scene.”



“Dear PoPville,

We thought we should spread the word, in case this guy is a serial arsonist.

On Friday morning at about 2:30 am, we found our car on fire in our alley (entrance at 3rd and K Street). The video below (from a neighbor’s security camera) shows the arsonist, though his face is covered. Based on the video, we think he could have used a timer, and an explosive.


With a little help from the internet, we are now 99% sure that it was a thermite device. Basically, a homemade incendiary device where super hot combustibles put in a ceramic pot and set on fire. 1 lb. of thermite can melt through a car hood and an engine block in a matter of minutes.

Clearly, this guy has done this before. We’d like all of our DC neighbors to be on the lookout, and if they see someone who fits this MO, be aware that they could have a serious explosion and fire on their hands in 20 minutes. The guy appears to be about 6 feet tall, white, and carrying a large paper bag. He has a distinct walk and run, and was wearing very baggie clothes and running shoes.”



A reader reports (thanks to all who sent emails):

“Heard lots of sirens around 6:30am and just walked down Columbia Rd and saw this. Counted at least 5 fire trucks and 2 ambulances plus some smaller emergency vehicles. It’s the building [El Rincon Espanol, 1826 Columbia Rd, NW] across from mintwood/perry’s and next to sun trust. Hard to tell what’s going on, I didn’t see or smell any smoke and the scene seemed pretty calm and under control.”



A reader reports:

“Happened right at the end of the presidential debates at Camden Roosevelt on 16th and V NW. Neighbors heard tires screeching and then a loud crash like a trash truck emptying a dumpster. I can’t tell if there is any structural damage to the building, but his car is straddling the surrounding fence. The ambulance is still here, so I doubt the driver is seriously injured. The assumption is a drunk driver, but I have no way of knowing that for sure.

Update since my last email: We saw who we assumed was the driver walking from one ambulance to another. He seemed unsteady, but I still couldn’t tell if that was because he was under the influence or shaken up from the incident. Our building appears to be fine–the fence took the bulk of the impact and two window frames in our gym appear to be slightly damaged.”

Another reader sends a shot from 16th and W:



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