
Photo by PleasantMountain

“Dear PoPville,

With the announcement that DC schools will be virtual this fall, are there ways the community can help keep students engaged? Volunteer tutors? Organizations that are directing resources (computers, tablets, etc.) to those in need? Food banks focused on student needs? If it “takes a village” in good times, it will take much more in These Times. Likewise, are there things we can do – especially those of us without kids – to support teachers?”


Photo by Victoria Pickering

“Dear PoPville,

My employer just announced that they are going to observe Juneteenth and are encouraging us to use the day to reflect on important questions surrounding social inequities and, if inclined, to participate in constructive social activism. I’m interested in using the day to volunteer but am having trouble finding something on such short notice and considering the current pandemic situation. Any advice on how I can put the day to good use?”


Thanks to a reader for passing on from Medstar Hospital Center:

“We have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of generosity and support from the community during the #COVID19 pandemic. We recently recognized D.C.-area chef Erik Bruner-Yang and his crew Troy Hickman, Cuong Vo, and Chef Peter Prime of Cane, who donated their 10,000th meal to our hospital staff. Our Chief Nursing Officer Tonya Washington presented them with commemorative plaques in recognition of their devotion to our team. The food crew took a victory lap through a delighted throng of 200-plus associates. Thank you, Chef Erik and your team, and thank you to everyone who helped make his Power of 10 Initiative happen! We are so grateful!”


Chinatown photo by KL

“Dear PoPville,

I think many of us are feeling helpless after this weekend, does anyone know of cleanup efforts to help the businesses that have been broken into?”

Alyssa (and many others) also writes:

“I see folks asking you about groups organizing cleanups today. Great if you know but even if not, would be cool if we just organized ourselves. Count me in, happy to help organize & gather with some like-minded folks. FYI!

(..but I’m not sure where it’s most needed!)”


“Dear PoPville,

I’m working w Sasha Bruce youthwork, a 45 year old organization that provides services to homeless youth across the city and PG county. The organization’s 19 programs and centers remain open during COVID, continuing w regular programming while also providing essential items (masks, cleaning supplies, etc), more meals, and additional support programs. But, many of our city’s homeless youth are especially challenged physically and emotionally during this time. We are asking DC residents to help from afar by sending a “note of encouragement” to these youth.” Read More


“Jonah Docter-Loeb with a face shield”

From a press release:

“To protect the D.C. area’s essential workers from exposure to COVID-19, Georgetown Day School senior Jonah Docter-Loeb founded a partnership of more than 100 volunteers, the DC Mutual Aid Network, Eaton DC, and other local organizations to produce and distribute 3D-printed face shields.

The group, which recently named itself “Print to Protect” produced more than 1,000 shields in the first week of April. Five hundred of these have already been donated to the staff at MedStar Washington Hospital and United Medical Centers. At the current rate of production, Docter-Loeb anticipates the group will be able to create 15,000 shields by the end of the month. When used in conjunction with a medical face mask, these shields provide Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-recommended levels of protection to professionals who come into contact with carriers of COVID-19 during the course of their work. Read More


Photo by PoPville flickr user Tim Brown

“Dear PoPville,

I’ve been volunteering at Martha’s Table on Columbia Ave NW, but now they’re moving most operations to their Southeast headquarters and I don’t have a car. It seems that a lot of service-based nonprofits have scaled back or shut down volunteer operations entirely, despite growing need for almost everything. Anyone know of places still looking for volunteers, especially in central DC?”


“Are you aware of any DC-area opportunities for people to volunteer to deliver groceries to the elderly or others in need?”


Ashtan sends the request from Dave Dochter:

“Unfortunately, I’m in a situation where I need some help. My father contracted Covid-19 a week ago and he’s been fighting it. He’s in the hospital in critical condition. We have just received special approval from the FDA to do a blood plasma transfer from a recovered COVID-19 patient. If anyone out there has previously tested positive, recovered, has a blood type that can donate to B+ and is willing to donate please msg me directly. This blood has been very hard to find I’m hoping by posting this I can find someone to help our family.”


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