
Photo by PoPville flickr user mosley.brian

“Dear PoPville,

I’m sure that you have read about the deal that Dan Snyder/the NFL is trying to jam through Congress to set up a new Redskins stadium at the RFK location. Charles Allen, Ward 6 Councilman, has started a petition for those who oppose such a move and any DC taxpayer money being used to fund such a stadium. Any chance you would post a link to the petition for those who might also be interested? Just FYI, I’m not affiliated in any way with his office — just a very concerned citizen who might just give up all hope on this city if Mayor Bowser throws away millions of my tax dollars to fund a stadium for possibly the worst franchise in all of American sports.

The text of the petition is below. Read More


Photo by PoPville flickr user John Sonderman

From the New York Times:

“In a decision likely to bolster the Washington Redskins’ efforts to protect their trademarks, the Supreme Court on Monday ruled that the government may not refuse to register potentially offensive names. A law denying protection to disparaging trademarks, the court said, violated the First Amendment.

The decision was unanimous, but the justices were divided on the reasoning.”


Damn It!

Photo by PoPville flickr user Erin

Well this is terrible:


“what does it mean to live in a city (country, world-pick one) which televises -or chooses to televise the funeral of a football player? a man whose tragic ( and, alas, most american of deaths) demise is-yes-tragic-but somehow more important than-oh-the metaphorical sean taylors around us (the delontes and rashawns who die at the hand of the
gun every day… ) we got more cold cases than the corner liquor store…. few four day closure rates when someone who didn’t entertain us dies…don’t get me wrong… full disclosure time. i love football. (not the dc team with the nasty name-but i do). and as a black man, i am so tired of the self inflicted mayhem we put on each other (sorry, juan
williams-but i don’t think black people have become different races) so yeah-im sorry that the earth opens again and swallows another young person… but something is troubling me-and it isn’t just the sight of those suburban fans(-many of whom distinguish between the “good ones”and “bad ones”-you know, black people) cheering for no 21 before
heading back to woodbridge or somewhere like that… why do we (consciously or not) value those people deemed “somebody” (versace, princess di-jfk junior-oh my) more than we cherish theheartbeat next door?  something is wrong with us-and i don’t think a double skim latte will fix it .. but you know me.. im that weird kid who sat in the back of
the class and contributed “odd” facts to discussions about, say, the history of Pennsylvania… im just saying…”


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