
The Role of Faith Communities in Repairing the Breach

Adas Israel
2850 Quebec St NW
Washington, D.C. 20008

This evening will focus on the context of faith (Christianity, Judaism and Islam), its intersection with social justice and the call to repair and restore. Join faith leaders in exploring the role of religion in social justice today and what it could be in the future. Panelists will consider:

What community responses or actions could emerge from the Undesign the Redline exhibit?

What is the call to repair the breach and how is it relevant to this exhibit?.

What is or might be the role of faith-based programs in reparations?

What opportunities exist for collaboration and impact across faith communities?

Panel members are Rabbi Aaron Alexander, Adas Israel; Rev. Nancy Ladd, River Road Unitarian Church; Rev. Glenna Huber Episcopal Church of the Epiphany; and Dr. Talib M. Shareef, Masjid Muhammad, The Nation’s Mosque. The panel will be facilitated by Steve Metalitz, Co-Chair of Temple Sinai’s Multiracial Sinai Committee, and member of the Davis Center for Social Justice Steering Committee.

This program is presented in association with Undesign the Redline, an exhibit created by Designing the We that explores the history of explicit race-based exclusion, specifically in upper Northwest DC. The exhibit helps us understand why inequities in housing and wealth persist, and encourages us to ask how we can “undesign” these wrongs. Suitable for middle-school aged children and older. Undesign the Redline is on display from April 11-July 11, 2024 at the Cleveland Park Neighborhood Library, 3310 Connecticut Avenue, NW.

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